Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tech news: OnLive

I've been pretty busy recently with mid terms and assignments recently and I haven't had much time to post anything new. But today I found an interesting article on cnet about an of a new game distribution system called OnLive. It promises to allow you to play the most recent video games on any computer, it works something like stream my games which I have previously posted about. Their server runs the game in encodes it as a video over the Internet to your computer and interacts with keyboard communication. Seems to work with Voip headphones which is a good idea. I don't know how good of an idea this will actually be when you consider the price, the fast Internet speed (I personally don't think broadband can handle HD streaming), as well as the fact that these server can only have a certain amount of clients per server. It would defiantly be something to try but I don't think it will really take off until Internet providers look to increase their Internet speeds through new technologies, but there really hasn't been much advancement in that field at least very little relative to the introduction of broadband. Anyways keep on building.